10 Low Cost Family Activities

Summer is shortly upon us which means for most school is almost out for the year. Here are a few fun, free or minimal cost activities you can do with your child or the whole family. These activities are technology free, engage creativity and positive communication, and create opportunities for meaningful time with your child. One to one time enhances communication and builds your child’s feelings of self-worth. Have fun!

  1. Scavenger hunt (inside or outside)
  2. Make your own pizza night
  3. Movie Night (Pj’s, popcorn, movies)
  4. Favorite Board Games
  5. Pick a project: Build a birdhouse, knit, build a model plane, puzzle, or plant a garden
  6. Go for a hike or walk on the beach. Find an item for every letter of the alphabet
  7. Collect sea shells for an art project
  8. Museums and libraries are great for rainy days
  9. Volunteer together
  10. Favorite family sport activity

For more ideas visit our website (www.inspiredfamilies.com)

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